Elizabeth Durham was charged with 5 felonies after attempting to change the voter registration of a deceased West Virginia voter. Durham pleaded no contest to one charge of petit larceny and one charge of unlawful voter registration and was sentenced to 30 days in jail, which was suspended to 6 months of probation.
Timothy Metz, a candidate for the Morgantown City Council, falsified 21 signatures of voters for his nomination petition, including one deceased person. He pleaded guilty to one count of falsely filing a certification of nomination and was sentenced as part of his plea agreement to a pre-trial diversion program with a 24 month period of […]
Jonathan Meade West, Sr., of Hayes, was charged with a felony for attempting to cast two ballots in the 2020 general election. West first voted absentee at the Gloucester County Voter Register’s office. He then returned four days later and tried to cast a second ballot. He was stopped from casting a second ballot when […]
Shannon Brown, Commissioner of Gregg County, Texas pleaded guilty to charges of misdemeanor election fraud and record tampering. During the 2018 Democratic primary Longview City Council election, Brown organized a scheme to harvest absentee ballots with help from two paid campaign workers and his wife to increase the votes in his favor. Brown, along with […]
Domenick Demuro, a Judge of Elections in Philadelphia and a Democratic ward leader, accepted bribes to add fraudulent ballots to voting machines and falsely certify election results for certain Democrat candidates in the 2014, 2015, and 2016 primary elections. According to the DOJ press release, Demuro “admitted that a local political consultant gave him directions […]
Registered Republican Robert Richard Lynn was charged with a third-class misdemeanor for using his deceased mother’s credentials to cast an absentee ballot for Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election. He was sentenced to six months probation and 40 hours of community service.
Registered Republican Ralph Holloway Thurman voted twice in the 2020 presidential election. After casting his vote, Thurman asked a poll worker if he could vote on behalf of his son, and when workers informed him that it was not allowed, he left the building. Later that day Thurman returned, disguised in a hat and sunglasses, […]
Edward Snodgrass, a registered Republican and a Porter Township Trustee, was charged with one felony count of illegal voting after submitting an absentee ballot on behalf of his deceased father in the 2020 General Election. As part of his plea deal, Snodgrass pleaded guilty to one misdemeanor count of falsification, was sentenced to three days […]
Donald Hartle was charged with two felonies for voting twice in the 2020 general election, once under his own name and a second time via absentee ballot using his deceased wife’s name. Hartle pleaded guilty to one count of “voting more than once at same election,” a Class D felony. Under the terms of his […]