Johnny Wayne Akers, of Hardeman County, was charged with six counts of “possession of an official ballot or carrier envelope of another” for engaging in vote harvesting activities during a 2004 primary election in Texas. He pleaded guilty to possession of an official ballot, and was sentenced to two years of probation and ordered to […]
Melva Kay Ponce was convicted for mailing in an absentee ballot for her deceased mother in the November 2004 general election. She pleaded guilty to one charge of illegal voter registration and was sentenced to two years of deferred adjudication and ordered to pay a $1,500 fine.
Maria Dora Flores pleaded guilty to engaging in illegal “assistance” at the polls during the 2006 Democratic primary election. Prosecutors charged that Flores escorted several voters into their polling locations and then filled out and submitted ballots without their consent. The judge sentenced Flores to a $750 fine and two years of deferred probation. In […]
Elida Garza Flores, of Nueces County, was charged with one count of “possessing of an official ballot or carrier envelope of another.” In a 2005 school district election, she targeted the elderly by going door-to-door to obtain votes, and then took the ballots to the post office for mailing. She was admitted into a one-year […]
Anita Baeza was given six months of pre-trial diversion after she was charged with five counts of illegally possessing another’s ballot during the 2004 primary.
Virginia Ramos Garza, of Nueces County, was charged with four counts of “possessing an official ballot or carrier envelope of another.” In a 2005 school district election, she targeted the elderly by going door-to-door to obtain votes, and then took the ballots to the post office for mailing. She was admitted into a one-year pretrial […]
Trinidad Villalobos was convicted by a jury of illegally possessing and transporting ballots belonging to multiple voters during the 2004 primary. According to witnesses, Villalobos offered to assist elderly voters fill out applications for absentee ballots and would later collect and mail those ballots. Unauthorized possession of ballots is a misdemeanor under Texas law. Villalobos […]
Josefina Marinas Suarez pleaded guilty to a charge of handling an official ballot belonging to another. During the 2005 Robstown school district election Suarez targeted elderly voters, soliciting votes and returning the absentee ballots herself. Under Texas law, she was not permitted to handle or transport absentee ballots. Suarez was sentenced to one year of […]
Melinda Hunter was indicted on seven counts of illegally possessing and transporting ballots not belonging to her. Hunter illegally assisted elderly voters in preparing their ballots. She was placed in a six-month pre-trial diversion program.
Willie Ray, a Texarkana Ward 2 City Councilwoman, and Jamillah Johnson pleaded guilty to fraudulent use of absentee ballots during the 2004 general election. The two women illegally assisted elderly and other voters in submitting applications for mail-in ballots, then collected and mailed in the completed ballots for the voters. This assistance is a Class […]