Mary Lou Simpson of Manchester was arrested after the 2004 election for attempting to vote in the name of her deceased sister. Ms. Simpson was spotted by a poll worker who recognized that she had already voted earlier in the day. The facts have been confirmed by the district attorney’s office which prosecuted the case. […]
Originally convicted in 2010, Brenda Woods, former Bolivar City Council member, was granted–and lost–a new trial in 2014. Woods drove three ineligible voters (convicted felons) to the polls to vote for her in an election in which she was running for City Council and mayor. Woods received suspended, concurrent two-year terms on each of three […]
Betty Best, of Monroe County, conspired with Brian “Wormy” Hodge to buy votes for Randy White’s campaign for Sheriff. White narrowly won the race, but was subsequently removed from the post. The pair paid between $20 and $40 per vote. Both pleaded guilty to conspiracy to buy votes, mainly absentee ballots. Best was sentenced to […]
Brian “Wormy” Hodge, a reserve deputy with the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office, conspired with Betty Best to buy votes for Randy White’s campaign for sheriff. White narrowly won the race, but was subsequently removed from the post. The pair paid between $20 and $40 per vote. Both pleaded guilty to conspiracy to buy votes, mainly […]