Steveland Kidd pleaded guilty to two counts of violating absentee ballots during a municipal election in April 2013. Kidd took possession of, and delivered, an absentee ballot to election authorities despite not being legally allowed to do so. The crime is a Class Three felony. Kidd was sentenced to 12 days in the St. Clair […]
Janet Pokryfke voted twice in the November 2016 election. She entered an Alford. Per her plea agreement, she was convicted of one misdemeanor count of disregarding the election code while two felony double voting charges and one perjury charge were dropped. Pokryfke was sentenced to six months of probation, and was ordered to complete 20 […]
Jesse Johnson was convicted of voting twice in the 2016 primary elections, once for a Republican and once for a Democrat. Johnson, who had previously been convicted on weapons and drug charges, was charged with perjury after the St. Clair County Public Corruption Task Force detected his effort to vote twice. Johnson was convicted and, […]
Yvette Yust, a resident of Waukegan, claimed to be a citizen in order to vote in the 2016 presidential election. Yust was charged with two felony counts of perjury, but, as part of a plea agreement, pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor disorderly conduct charge. Yust was sentenced to six months of probation and ordered to […]
Calvin Borders, Jr., along with his son, daughter, and his son’s girlfriend, registered to vote using a vacant lot on Jefferson Street in Brooklyn, Illinois. None of them lived in the city. After an investigation by the Public Corruption Task Force, he pleaded guilty to perjury in violation of the election code and was sentenced […]
Denise Zwit, assistant to the High School District 128 Superintendant, signed three nomination petitions for school board president Patrick Groody, falsely claiming she was present when voters signed them. Zwit initially faced felony perjury charges, but a plea deal saw those charges reduced to misdemeanor counts of disregard of the election code. Zwit pleaded guilty […]
Gina Villaruz and her husband Marcello claimed to be U.S. citizens when they voted in the 2016 presidential election. Gina was charged with two felony counts of perjury, but, as part of a plea agreement, pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor disorderly conduct charge. Gina Villaruz was sentenced to six months of probation and ordered to […]
During her 2017 campaign for the High School District 128 board, Ellen Mauer signed four nomination petitions to be placed on the ballot as a candidate, falsely claiming she was present when voters signed them. Mauer initially faced felony perjury charges, but a plea deal saw those charges reduced to misdemeanor counts of disregard of […]