Goodson was convicted of falsifying or forging public records and wrongful signing of a ballot petition (a felony charge) in connection with the 2004 general election. He was found guilty.
Patty Kae McCammon pleaded guilty to illegally signing an initiative petition in relation to the 2004 general election in Bonneville County, Idaho. She was sentenced to two years’ probation.
William Burl Clayton III was charged with illegally signing an initiative petition in relation to the 2004 general election in Bonneville County, Idaho. He was convicted in 2005, and was given two years’ probation.
Walter A. Coiner pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor voter fraud charge after acknowledging that he tried voting twice in the November 2008 election. He voted by absentee ballot in Twin Falls and in person in Ketchum. Coiner was sentenced to one year of unsupervised probation, 40 hours of community service, and was ordered to pay […]
Stevens was found guilty of illegal voting or interference with an election and illegal registration. These charges stem from the primary election in May of 2010. He was given two years’ probation and 180 days in jail, which were later suspended.
Kay Annete Hansen pleaded guilty to attempting to vote when not qualified or repeat voting. She was placed on probation and required to pay $287.50 in fines and court costs.
Nancy White voted in the 2009 Coeur d’Alene city election, while actually residing outside the city limits. She pleaded no contest to charges of “illegal registration by voter,” a violation of Idaho Code 18-2322. She was fined $200 and required to serve three months’ unsupervised probation.
Susan Rose Harris pleaded guilty to charges of illegal registrations (Idaho Code 18-2322) in the 2009 election in Coer D’Alene. She was sentenced to three months’ probation and a $200 fine.
Christopher Billups, a 62-year-old man from Lapwai, Idaho, pleaded guilty to attempting to vote in both Washington and Idaho. Billups was ordered to pay $2,490 in fees for false statements under oath and was sentenced to 364 days in jail (later suspended) and one year of probation.