Rosa Maria Ortega, a non-citizen, was found guilty on two counts of voting in the November 2012 general election and the 2014 Republican primary runoff. Ortega claimed she thought she was a citizen and blamed her lack of education for the mix-up, but prosecutors pointed out that Ortega had previously indicated on a drivers license […]
Rendon, Texas native Crystal Mason voted in the 2016 election despite being a convicted felon. At the time, Mason was out on supervised release following three years’ imprisonment on federal tax fraud charges. She claimed she was unaware of her ineligibility, despite signing an affidavit signifying she was not a felon prior to casting a […]
Awais Jamil, of Roseville, registered and voted in Muskingum County in the 2016 general election despite not being a U.S. citizen. Jamil, an immigrant from Pakistan, initially indicated in documents submitted to the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles that he was not a U.S. citizen. The state nevertheless sent him a voter registration packet, at […]
Konstantinos Mouzos pleaded guilty to illegally voting in the 2016 election without being a U.S. citizen. He was sentenced to one year probation following a reduction in charges from one count of illegal voting, a felony, to a misdemeanor of attempted illegal voting. This illegal conduct was uncovered during an annual review by the Ohio […]
Dalton Shane Smith, of Cameron, was convicted for voting in the 2016 election despite being a felon and therefore ineligible. In 2016, Smith was convicted of felony breaking and entering. He was sentenced to 30 months’ imprisonment, which includes time for unrelated criminal charges.
Edward Charles Green, of Southern Pines, was convicted for voting in the 2016 election despite being a felon and therefore ineligible. Green’s prior conviction came in 2014, when he was convicted of promoting the prostitution of a mentally disabled minor. For his voter fraud offense, Green was sentenced to serve a minimum of four months […]
Leonardo Lleras-Rodriguez, a Cuban national who lives in Kansas City, MO was indicted and pleaded guilty to separate federal charges of casting a fraudulent election ballot and aiding and assisting the preparation of false income tax returns. Lleras-Rodriguez, a non-citizen, voted illegally in six elections between 2010 and 2014. Additionally, he prepared three fraudulent tax […]
“John Doe,” a likely illegal alien whose real name and country of origin remain unknown, stole the identity of Cheyenne Moody Davis, a U.S. citizen, and used it to obtain a driver’s license, passport, and Social Security card. He also registered and successfuly voted in the 2016 presidential election. Doe was convicted on two counts […]
Preston Glen Christensen was convicted of voter fraud for voting in both Kansas and Texas in the 2012 general election. Christensen pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor of voting without being qualified. He was fined $1,000.
Peruvian national Victor David Garcia Bebek pleaded guilty to three counts of voting without being qualified. Bebek was fined $5,000 and placed on unsupervised probation.